Lawless Imagination
Written after reading Deluze on Kant with the Wild Parlour. Philosophy helps me let go of the idea that anything can be known, and when I let go, my practice, my understanding of practice, evolves.
The imagination, they agreed, is lawless.
And armed with this truth, they caught hold of the tattered ends of the sentence
And skipped, unbounded towards limit
Wa ooh wa ooh
Like that time we took mushrooms
And I got stuck on the golf course
In the dark
Because the sand trap looked like a hole through the universe
And I couldn’t crawl across it
An absurdity which became an empirical truth (as far as its action on my body was concerned) which I recognized as an absurdity in the moment
And you were so beautiful, and so were the stars
And now I’m in the You of You, you just invaded the freedom
I’ve recoiled upon myself
Rolled my imagination up like a shade
Thwack thwack thwack thwack thwack
You can get hit in the chin with one of those things,
You know, the little circle which dangles from the bottom of the shade, it is usually covered with some fine white cord, wrapped and braided, and it can whip around the shade as it closes
And open your skin
And make your chin bleed
The face bleeds a lot, the place we can see and project and attempt to communicate our feelings is prone to agony
What was it he said? The idea robs beauty of its freedom. Lawless, then, it is.
TO the Borderlands!
At first sight an aesthetic idea is the opposite of a rational idea. The latter is a concept to which no intuition is adequate, the former an intuition to which no concept is adequate
Armed with inadequacy, acknowledging this responsibility to live in the lawless badlands of the unbound imagination, to notice the concept and the Idea reaching in to rationalize as I head towards the warped edge of impossibility and slip into sense
Aesthetic sense, sense of the object or from the object, a sense of not disconnectedness from the making to the made, I don’t know which way is up or who could make sense of it
But I’m free from the responsibility which binds and gags imagination – I dodge the concept as it comes toward me and slide, feet first and sending sparks over the edge into clarity.